A couple months ago we bought a little 14 ft. fishing boat. Since we've had it we have only missed one weekend of fishing on the lake catching my favorite fishy- the rainbow trout. It's cool because Cole loves being in the boat. We give him a bucket of rocks that he can toss overboard whenever he wants to, and we give him any goodie or candy he wants. It works like a charm! We've been out all day until it's almost dark and Cole is still a trooper even without a nap, which is quite amazing. We're learning the techniques of trolling, I know we grew up making fun of people who do this kind of fishing. "Fishing at it's finest" as dad would say, but hey at least we're not bobber fishing, not yet anyways:) Well it works for us and Cole likes it so I guess that's all that matters. Its fun times spent together and we pull out nice 12 inchers all day long. Woo hoo! I even cleaned a fish for the first time last weekend.
It was soooo easy, I should have done that a long time ago!!!
I was so excited to see that you posted something :0) Looks like youguys had a good ol' time fishin'..im impressed that you even cleaned the fish! Thats always my least favorite part...so i make Matt do it ;0)Your camping trip sounded very relaxing and im glad the weather was bueno...im so glad that youre wanting to paint again..youve got skillz, sis! Anywho, i miss you and am glad that all is well with you! It looks like i need to re-do your blog design! Let me know if you have any ideas ;0) ♥ you tans!
P.S...who says you cant look for Easter eggs TOO?! ;0) ♥
Wow, a new post! Lot's of new posts! Looks like you guys have been busy having fun ;) When you come down I want you to teach me how to make those super cute hats.
So fun to see new stuff on your blog! Always love to see what you guys are doing, makes me feel like I'm there too:) Love you!
Hey Hey,
I stumbled over your blog today and I just had to tell you I'm enjoying your blog. Your awesome. I became a follower and I'm looking forward to keeping up and leaving comments. I hope you will check out both my blogs, and become a follower. I have a button, and I'd like to add you to my blog roll. I hope you have a lovely weekend. God Bless You and Yours
Infertility Blog: http://ourjourneythrufaith.blogspot.com/
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